Group Workshops
Team talks
Take your team's performance to the next level by improving the nutrition and overall wellbeing of your athletes! Northcoast Nutrition will customize presentations to fit the unique needs of your sport, team, and athletes. Potential topics include:
Recovery Nutrition
Fueling for Competition
Hydration, Caffeine, and Safe Supplementation
Unique Needs of Female Athletes
The artistic athlete
Nutrition can fuel consistent high-level performance. Nutrition also can aid in post-performance recovery, and support healing following injury, Nutrition For Dancers workshops are tailored to fit the needs of your dance studio, summer intensive, college dance program, or professional dance company.
CoacH, director, or parent’s Corner
This presentation and accompanying handouts are designed to train the coach, director, or parents in helpful nutrition knowledge for their athletes and performers. Topics discussed will be fueling for performance and competition, nutrition for recovery, hydration and electrolyte balance, as well as nutrient timing for optimal practice and game day performance.